Monday, September 20, 2010 | By: Arianna

Monday...busiest day of the week!

Why is monday always the busiest day of the week? It seems like the weekend comes and goes, and then everyone needs monday to start their engines again. What do you think? But truly, mondays are the craziest days I have. Not to mention that I was in the crazy house today! Psych clinical was busy and went quickly, even though it's not my thing. Good thing God has equipped us with different talents and abilities, or we'd all be doing the same thing and in the same career!

Anyway, here's another fall craft that I found that I actually have the equipment already but haven't done yet. Maybe for one of my free days this semester....tell me what you think! :) Just know that it's not my idea. :) The credit goes to Amanda at The Hand Me Down House...

"I found this set of candlesticks at the thrift store for $2.99 each:"

"I cleaned them off, took my trusty can of spray paint and gave them a few shiny coats. :) "

The second step was to take some fall floral leaves and put them in the candle holder. I used some that I happened to find at the thrift store for $.99 -- but you KNOW the Dollar Store has TONS of cute fall leaves, too -- they're all over the place!

"I wrapped several ends together and bound them with a rubber-band. Then I put them into the candle holder and put little pieces of newspaper around them to hold the leaves in place in the candle holder."

" What do you think??? I just can't say no to a quick and inexpensive project -- so I think they're pretty cute. :) "


Unknown said...

i love a fall display! great re-do on the candlesticks.

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